Term 2 is an active time in Schools.
Apart from the academic side of examinations and the subsequent marking, there’s the excitement of winter sports.
Students are engaged across the curriculum and teachers have a substantial workload to manage.
However, we hope workloads have decreased since Covid times. At least Year 12 students have more certainty about the how and where to their finals. The lockdowns are but a memory.
Nevertheless, some areas of the impact of the covid pandemic on Australian schools are long lasting. Our May newsletter discusses the positives and negatives to come out of Covid.
Nearly every adult can remember at least one teacher who left a lasting impression. Learning is a human experience. So much of a child’s enthusiasm for learning is fuelled by teachers. Despite the importance of digital and online learning, face to face interaction cannot be replaced. Covid lockdowns brought this home.
Our newsletter to be published in June, includes a story of personal reflection – Teachers who Inspired Me. Although this is a personal story it is as the same time universal. What is it that teachers do to touch the souls of children?
If you wish to read more about topics and issues relevant to Schools, check out our newsletters, and the Blog page. The Blog page allows you to search on key words. You’re welcome to submit an article of relevance to Schools, for our Blog page.
May Term 2 be rewarding for teachers, students and parents!