Schools are gradually returning to in class learning. In Western Australia, South Australia and the Northern Territory, the majority of students are back – many very happy to see their friends, teachers and learn in the usual manner. The Eastern states will follow in due course.

However the outlook for Schools in the future is not the same as it was before Covid-19 – especially for Independent Schools which rely on parents paying fees. It is not clear how many parents will be able to continue to afford the fees. It’s a problem which needs to solved strategically. To find out more read Eisau’s May newsletter which offers some insightful advice.

There are the everyday issues which School staff will have to deal with such sanitising surfaces such as desks, door handles and equipment. Teachers and other School Staff need to take care of themselves – regular testing is a good idea, for reassurance, to minimise the risk and to receive appropriate care as early as possible. Temperature screening is a good intermediate stopgap, but of course this does not identify asymptomatic cases. AS we know youg people are more likely to be asympotmatic than symptomatic carriers. The good news is that transmission rates are low from students.

These is an unchartered journey for School Communities. We wish them all the best as they return, hoping that there is a minimum of cases in Schools.

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